Dienstag, 16. Januar 2007


Hi, this is just a quick intro to me and my new place to go on about things that piss me off.
I like discussing 'political' issues, i.e. things that annoy me and I need some where I can rant anonymously with no interruptions, then hopefully get some replies and have some interesting debates. I may occassionally be contraversial for fun, but I'll try and be honest without considering if anyone's offended or not (either to avoid offense or deliberately offend). To understand where I'm coming from (although who I am should have no impact on the validity of any arguments) I introduce me:
I am English (and proud). I am a scientist. I am a strong atheist. My political views are right of centre, I favour a smaller state, with more individual freedom and responsibility. I dislike political correctness and people who see everything in black and white. I am more pragmatic and probably slightly selfish and amoral. These will be the basis of my rants (I think polemic is a bit pretentious, but maybe I'll get better.
Enjoy, and please comment, especially if you disagree!

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